The Midway Observer


Let's talk…

Debunking Racism’s Suspicious Makeover

Are you currently debating online about an issue pinning two parties of different colors? Especially black and white? If yes, chances are someone was reminded that racism is ‘prejudice + power’. One cannot be racist if the ill behavior is […]

Want to Defeat State Granted Religious Exceptions?

Between the Christian Right and the Muslim proto-lobbies, it seems that the separation of religious institution and the public apparatus is under attack. If you feel this way, you can’t help but to notice the very general language of the […]

The Misguided Logic of the Quran/Bible Prank

An ‘eye-opening’ video of a social experiment surfaced on YouTube a few years ago and went viral. To resume, these two Dutch guys took a Quran, removed its pages at the binding, then seamlessly replaced them with the contents of a […]